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Released on Nov 02, 2023
Release on: coming soon

Creating Belonging: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging in Travel & Tourism

This report provides a meaningful guide on how to navigate and promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging within the Travel & Tourism sector. The qualitative analysis educates readers on the nuances around DEIB terms, while the quantitative analysis of the DEIB metrics defines the present landscape in a few key markets around the world.
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Travel & Tourism is about embracing new experiences, diverse cultures, languages, and ideas. As such, the sector has the platform to spearhead the promotion of inclusivity and foster a sense of belonging. This latest report from WTTC, produced in collaboration with HospitableMe, delves into the important topic of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB). It explains the nuances involved and provides recommendations on how the sector can champion DEIB. An analysis of DEIB metrics in the UK, the US, Australia, South Africa, Rwanda, and the EU, provides benchmarks to measure future progress.

See the Executive Summary here (for free).

For further explanation of the methodology and sources behind this Economic Impact Research, please refer to these two supporting papers: 'Methodology'and 'Data Sources and Estimation Techniques'.


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