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The Economic Impact of Global Wildlife Tourism
Released on Aug 14, 2019
Release on: coming soon

The Economic Impact of Global Wildlife Tourism

This WTTC report, compiled alongside Oxford Economics, explores wildlife tourism and conveys the need for strong conservation efforts against threats like habitat destruction and poaching.

This WTTC report focuses on wildlife tourism which generates $343.6 billion globally. It advocates for conservation to protect economic benefits from habitat destruction and poaching.
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Report details

In conjunction with Oxford Economics, WTTC quantifies the significant economic impact of wildlife tourism which represents 3.9% of the global Travel & Tourism sector. This equates to a staggering $343.6 billion annually and sustains 21.8 million jobs globally. Wildlife tourism, defined as experiencing animals in their natural habitat, faces threats from habitat destruction, climate change and poaching.

The report stresses the importance of protecting wildlife to maintain these economic benefits. Highlighting successful initiatives, it advocates for a zero-tolerance policy against illegal wildlife trade. Case studies from countries like Kenya and Brazil showcase effective local strategies.

The report aims to build awareness among policymakers and budget holders about the necessity of wildlife conservation for sustainable tourism growth.

For further explanation of the methodology and sources behind this Economic Impact Research, please refer to these two supporting papers: 'Methodology'and 'Data Sources and Estimation Techniques'.
Number of pages in this report: 17


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Oxford Economics

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