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Released on Nov 01, 2023
Release on: coming soon

Unlocking Opportunities for Travel & Tourism Growth in Africa

Travel & Tourism in Africa has expanded significantly since the new millennium. In 2022, it accounted for nearly 6% of the region’s economy and supported 22 million jobs. This report brings a much-needed focus on Africa’s Travel & Tourism and underscores its role in promoting economic, environmental, and social progress across the continent.
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Report details

The report studies the historical trends of the Travel & Tourism sector in Africa and provides a forecast for the next decade. It also identifies the key opportunities and challenges that, if addressed, could propel the region’s sector to achieve even higher growth. This hypothesis is supported by a forecast scenario analysis based on the introduction of a policy package. Additionally, the report highlights various countries within Africa that are performing well and provides case studies of best practices in the sector.  

Some of the key themes discussed are:

  • Economic impact of Travel & Tourism in Africa
  • Environmental impact of Travel & Tourism in Africa
  • Social impact of Travel & Tourism in Africa
  • Connectivity and infrastructure in Africa
  • Perceptions of Travel & Tourism in Africa

See the Executive Summary here (for free)

For further explanation of the methodology and sources behind this Economic Impact Research, please refer to these two supporting papers: 'Methodology'and 'Data Sources and Estimation Techniques'.


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