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Unlocking Opportunities for Travel & Tourism Growth in Latin America
Released on Jun 25, 2024
Release on: coming soon

Unlocking Opportunities for Travel & Tourism Growth in Latin America

WTTC’s latest report shares specific challenges for Travel & Tourism in Latin America and proposes solutions to ensure the region’s sustainable and inclusive growth.

Discover the impact of Travel & Tourism in the Latin America region on GDP, jobs and the environment in this WTTC report covering Central America and South America economies.
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Report details

This report from the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) reveals Latin America’s full economic, environmental, and social impact. While the future is bright for the sector, it does face significant challenges, many of which are common to the region, some of which are specific to individual countries. This report seeks to identify those challenges and proposes solutions to ensure the region’s sustainable and inclusive growth. It includes projections of Travel & Tourism’s GDP contribution and jobs in the next 10 years.

Downloading this report also provides access to a 5-page Executive Summary paper.

For further explanation of the methodology and sources behind this Economic Impact Research, please refer to these two supporting papers: 'Methodology'and 'Data Sources and Estimation Techniques'.
Number of pages in this report: 36


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