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Water Roadmap for Travel & Tourism
Released on Dec 04, 2023
Release on: coming soon

Water Roadmap for Travel & Tourism

Discover the impact of the Travel & Tourism sector on water use at a global and regional level in this ground-breaking, data-rich report from WTTC and Accenture. The report also provides a framework for businesses to reduce their water footprint and increase water resilience.
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Report details

The purpose  of this Water Roadmap report from WTTC and Accenture is to emphasise water  scarcity and resilience as two significant global challenges and to highlight  the role the Travel & Tourism sector can play in responding to the water  crisis.

The report’s  features include:

·          Unique data on Travel & Tourism’s water  use, water intensity and water stress at a global and regional level between  2010 and 2021.

·          An explanation of water-related risks and  challenges, and the need to make changes to meet the water-related targets of  UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) 6.

·          A Water Management Action Framework, outlining  four key steps to guide Travel & Tourism businesses on reducing their  water footprint and building resilience to water-related risks.

·          Examples of best practice initiatives  undertaken by Travel & Tourism businesses.

·          The role that digital technologies can play in  providing solutions to water challenges.

·          A call to action to Travel & Tourism  businesses to set water targets, prioritise and allocate resources for water  reduction and risk mitigation initiatives, foster collaboration, and monitor  and report progress.

·          A call to action for the public sector, including  governments, regulators, water management agencies and basin authorities, to  encourage and facilitate collective action.

·          Web Links to additional resources.

Our unique data  in this report is a result of the partnership between WTTC and the Ministry  of Tourism of Saudi Arabia, with support from Oxford Economics.

The specific  methodology for researching the data on water use, intensity and stress is  explained in Appendix A within the report.

However, this  forms just one part of our broader research into, and data analysis of, the environmental  and social impact of Travel & Tourism.

To read our report on the  Environmental Impact of Global Tourism, click here.

For further details on the Methodology for that report,  see the Travel  & Tourism Environmental & Social Impact Methodology.

For further explanation of the methodology and sources behind this Economic Impact Research, please refer to these two supporting papers: 'Methodology'and 'Data Sources and Estimation Techniques'.
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Oxford Economics

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